The seven chakras and their meanings
Chakra make you beautiful. They make you strong and happy. It is very easy to perceive and activate these wonderful energy vortices in our aura. Its effect is surprisingly fast and beneficial. Dealing with the chakras just feels abstract at first. Once you get started, the terms quickly make sense. Cleaning and developing the chakras becomes as basic a need as taking a shower or drinking water every day. Because light-filled chakras provide mental and physical well-being.
What actually is a chakra? And what does “chakra” mean?
Like the art of yoga, the knowledge of the chakras comes from India. The energy centers in the aura are called chakras, chakras or chakras. The term itself comes from Sanskrit and means “circle” or “wheel”. For this reason, chakras are also called energy wheels. A good way to think of a chakra is a wheel or swirl with fast, circular motions. The beautiful description of chakras as rotating calyxes also comes from Indian mythology. There the chakras are often compared to lotus flowers. What a wonderful idea to think of humans as beings of all colors. Everyone has the ability to do this.
Knowledge of chakras is also anchored in our culture. For example, ancient paintings show haloed saints and angels, kings and emperors are crowned. Both are meant to visualize the radiance of a crown chakra located on the crown of the head. Figures are often shown standing on a pedestal or sitting on a throne, which aims to highlight the root chakra and thus grounding.
Big chakras and small chakras – how many are there?
There are seven major chakras and various minor chakras. The main chakras are located along the spine and radiate up and down or back and forth. The minor chakras are located at different points in the body and aura, including the shoulders, hands, knees, and feet. Other chakras work in the outer layers of the aura on the top of the head and under the feet.
Where are the chakra points?
The first chakra, also known as the root chakra, is located in the pelvic floor and radiates downward. It means connection with the power of the world. The seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra or the crown chakra, is located at the top of the head and radiates upward. It indicates connection with divine energies. The five chakras in between are lined up along the spine, each about a hand’s length. They radiate back and forth and are responsible for our relationships with other people and the environment.
In the physical realm, glands can be assigned to the chakras, which are responsible for hormone production and are superior to the organs. This also explains the intense impact of chakra work on physical health. In the mental-spiritual realm, the chakras are related to sensitivities. When the chakras are polluted and disturbed, they appear as blockages and fears. And when the chakras are clear and luminous, they emerge as talent and well-being.
Effects of chakras
1st chakra or root chakra
Meaning: grounding, balance, vitality, willpower, stability, courage, assertiveness.
Blockage: Anxiety, depression, insecurity, tantrums, lack of self-confidence, lack of strength.
Sanskrit: Muladhara
Position: pelvic floor
Red color
Shape: 4-petal lotus flower
2nd chakra, sex chakra or sacral chakra
Meaning: partnership, sexuality, creativity, desire, lust, fullness, joie de vivre.
Blockage: Feelings of guilt, anxieties, sexual disorders, deficiency states, lack of joy.
Sanskrit: Swadhisthana
Position: lower abdomen
orange color
Shape: 6 petal lotus flower
3rd chakra, navel chakra or solar plexus chakra
Meaning: self-esteem, balanced emotions, good gut feeling, ability to make decisions, inner independence, self-empowerment.
Blockage: Emotional fluctuations, power problems, need to control, grief, decision problems, addictions.
Sanskrit: Manipura
Location: upper abdomen
yellow color
Shape: 10 petal lotus flower
4th chakra or heart chakra
Meaning: Love, Compassion, Harmony, Warmth, Reconciliation, Peace, Kindness, Healing.
Blockage: lack of love, coldness, lack of contact, reproaches, prejudices, resentment, bitterness, disagreements, grief.
Sanskrit: Anahata
Position: chest center
Color: pink and green
Shape: 12 petal lotus flower
5th chakra, throat chakra or throat chakra
Meaning: expressionism, creativity, easy learning, implementation of ideas, open communication, sincerity, openness.
Blockage: shyness, talkativeness, lack of impulse, constant fatigue, inner restlessness, forgetfulness, lack of ideas.
Sanskrit: Vishuddha
Position: neck area
Color: light blue and turquoise
Shape: 16 petal lotus flower
6. Chakra, Third Eye or Brow Chakra
Meaning: knowledge, wisdom, cognition, intuition, confidence, awareness, imagination.
Blockage: Overwork, lack of concentration, fear of losing, overemphasis on the mind, feeling of insignificance.
Sanskrit: Ajna
Position: middle of forehead
Color: indigo and blue
Shape: 96 petal lotus flower
7th chakra, crown chakra or crown chakra
Meaning: spirituality, security, connection with the divine, serenity, meaning of life, perfection, peace.
Blockage: A sense of purposelessness, world pain, hopelessness, stress, fear of illness and death, sense of meaninglessness.
Sanskrit: Sahasrara
Position: Vertex above head
Color: purple, white, gold
Shape: 1000 petal lotus flower
Chakras and colors
These are inextricably linked – chakras and colors. Aura followers talk not only about the colors of the chakras, but also about the flower shapes. Thus, people appear to be covered with colorful flowers. Isn’t it a great idea to know the flowers filled with wonderful light in our aura?
Excitingly, the colors of the seven main chakras have the same structure as the rainbow. Red is associated with the lowest chakra, followed by orange and yellow, in the middle of the heart chakra we find the green and it rises up from the turquoise and finally follows the violet in the upper chakra.
Red is the most earthy of colors. It has the longest wavelength and is most directly related to matter. Red is grounded and therefore assigned to the root chakra, the lowest chakra. A strong root chakra strengthens the will to live, courage and desire to act.
Orange is also vibrant and bright, but its effect is lighter and more communicative than red. It is connected to the sacral chakra and relates to sexuality and creativity. Everything we create as human beings passes through this chakra. An orange and healthy sacral chakra also promotes wealth and joie de vivre.
Yellow is the lightest color in the spectrum. It also represents openness when dealing with other people. And yellow is susceptible to contamination – just like our thoughts and emotions. Yellow is associated with the navel chakra. This is where power plays and influences happen. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep this chakra pure. This gives a sense of independence, common sense, and a clear gut – no matter what others say.
Green is in the middle of the color spectrum and also in the middle of the seven chakras. It is associated with the heart chakra. This reflects the great importance of this chakra, which places the love of the heart at the center of being. It connects heaven and earth, because love connects energy flows from below and above. The aim is to create harmony and peace. It is no coincidence that nature’s main color is green with its balancing vitality.
Turquoise is between green and blue. It acts on the throat chakra and therefore on communication and expression. With turquoise, it is possible to clear blockages in the throat chakra. This makes working together easy and fun. Turquoise promotes creativity, personal freedom and beauty. And: Turquoise makes learning easier.
Blue is a spiritual color that strengthens intuition and gives us knowledge and wisdom. It is responsible for the eyebrow chakra. This is where the fantasy world is where thoughts can be conceived and ideas created. Blue calms and clears the mind.
Purple is the color with the shortest wavelength. It is associated with the crown chakra, which connects us to the heavenly world. Purple is a very mystical, spiritual color. It gives us an idea of the meaning of life and a sense of unity. A deep inner peace can radiate.
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