Health: These 7 sports to lose weight are fun too

Health and sports

Health: These 7 sports to lose weight are fun too

Losing weight for health is also fun 7 sports

Would you like to lose weight and know that exercise is an important factor besides nutrition? We show you which sports are worth healthy weight loss.

We spend long days in the office, sedentary commuting in the city by subway or car, and staggering through the crowded supermarkets that offer us all the beauty of the world. We know very well that maintaining the weight you want in daily life requires a lot of discipline.

But we also know that you shouldn’t drive yourself crazy about it. The ultimate goal should not only be to lose weight, but above all to maintain your health. If we like to do sports, it is possible! Here are seven fun weight loss exercises for you!

Health and sports
Health and sports

Why is exercise important for healthy weight loss?

According to research of women affected by obesity, you can expect serious complications even if you feel good and healthy in your body. At the top of the list are diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Anyone who does sports strengthens their immune system, heart and circulation. Diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis and hardening of the arteries are prevented. Not to mention its positive effects on mental health. Because doing sports reduces stress and distracts you. In short: Fitness is important in general, but especially important for losing weight. The biggest tipping point is diet though.

Weight loss through exercise – the basics

If you want to increase your fat burning, you need an active metabolism resulting from sufficient energy in the body. You give your body this energy in the form of carbohydrates, fats and proteins through your diet.

This brings us to the basal metabolic rate: If you consume more energy than you burn, you will not lose weight, you will gain weight. Because the body always uses the first energy sources, mostly carbohydrates.

Only when glucose stores are depleted does the body begin to work on your fat reserves. For this reason, you must learn your daily turnover and adjust your diet according to your lifestyle. Keyword: positive energy balance. You can read why counting calories doesn’t make sense here.

Tip: Drink plenty of water to speed up your fat burning, as it also speeds up your metabolism, increases your energy expenditure and reduces the feeling of hunger. Also, make sure you eat effectively and consciously after exercising.

7 fun exercises to lose weight

Cardio training is especially beneficial for burning fat. But strength training is also important: Because the muscle mass you build increases your basal metabolic rate and provides the so-called post-burn effect for you to burn calories even in post-workout resting mode. The following sports combine these fat burning essentials in the best way and are also a lot of fun.

1: Hot Hoola Circle

How Hoola Hoop now? Like in the schoolyard in the ’80s? No, it’s more like in Beyoncé’s living room, because the hoola hoop is the latest trend among celebrities who want one thing above all else when exercising: to have fun.

This sport for losing weight also works especially the middle parts of the body and provides a tight stomach without annoying abdominal muscle exercises. And for a lot of rhythm and body awareness, after all, the tire has to swing throughout the entire workout.

Energy consumption: up to 500 kcal per hour

2: swimming

Especially as a beginner, you will get your money’s worth here. On the one hand, this sport is especially easy on the joints, and on the other hand, you will only feel one-sixth of your own body weight in the water, where you have to fight against bodies of water. A big plus: You don’t sweat uncomfortably and you feel a constant cooling.

Here you develop your endurance, strengthen all your body muscles and improve your coordination. Different swimming styles ensure you don’t get bored. So: Put on your swimsuit and start swimming.

Energy consumption: 350 to 500 kcal per hour

3: running

Hardly any sport burns as many calories as jogging! Likewise, there is hardly any other type of sport that puts such strain on your knees and ankles. Anyone who already has problems in these areas should therefore turn to a cross trainer who can achieve similar effects with conscious movement of the upper body.

Jogging specifically works your legs and hips, so additional core training is recommended. You should also be careful not to run too fast. Because your fat metabolism kicks in, especially when running slow. Your body uses your fat stores faster. If you run faster, you run the risk of going to the body’s carbohydrate stores.

Energy consumption: up to 500 kcal per hour

4: Spinning

Cycling outside. This is called spinning today and is done indoors. Including a highly motivated course instructor. Spinning works your entire body, and the different intervals ensure your fat-burning is properly fueled.

Here you will not only sweat yourself, but also be happy. Spinning classes are great fun and give you a tight butt and trained legs. Depending on the course, your back and arms won’t be neglected either. In addition, your cardiovascular system is strengthened and your joints are protected.

Energy consumption: up to 600 kcal per hour

5: Boxing and other martial arts

Martial arts should definitely not be missing from our list of the best sports for weight loss. Here you train your speed, fitness and strength. In addition, you need to prove your brain with this full body workout and you will have a lot of fun especially with punches and kicks.

In addition to techniques, you’ll often have cardio or power units that lose a lot of weight. For example, jump rope and sit-ups are not uncommon in boxing. If you don’t know which martial art is best for you, you will find it here.

Energy consumption: up to 800 kcal per hour

Level 6: Step Aerobics and Dance Exercises

No, you don’t have to wear a neon jumpsuit over your leg warmer tights. Instead, focus your attention on memorizing different combinations of steps that will make you sweat. Because what looks so easy from the outside is incredibly tiring and permanent.

But in the end, you’ll be rewarded with a great body feel, a steeled bottom and core, and a high-calorie burn. Dance workouts like Zumba are also ideal sports to lose weight.

Energy consumption: up to 700 kcal per hour

7: Crossfit

Crossfit is often affectionately referred to as the world’s toughest workout. Now let’s leave the church in the village because CrossFit is mainly practiced by soldiers and police doesn’t mean you can too.

Of course, this workout that combines strength and endurance without long breaks has it all. But even beginners can do it, after all you can choose the easy version for the exercises and thus customize your Crossfit training.

Crossfit is a more intense type of circuit training where you engage in different exercises performed in multiple rounds. From pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, burpees, planks, squats to jump rope, you can find a wide variety of units on different Crossfit courses.

Energy consumption: up to 800 kcal per hour

Weight loss exercises should be fun

No more excuses, starting today you will start sweating. Whatever sport you choose to lose weight, each will serve its purpose and help you progress in terms of physical and mental health.

But you should never overlook the most important thing: Sports should be fun!


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